Get your free pet Beaston at this free Fire (FF) event!

Get the latest Pet Beaston FF for free this way!

Free Fire seems to start the 2021 New Year with many new ones after introducing the Bermuda Remaster Map. This time around, Beaston Pets will be featured in this one battle royale game.

For unfamiliar spinners, Beaston is a unique FF pet as it can help the player character throw more grenades.

And to celebrate the existence of Beaston, Galena makes it easy for players to get their pet baboons.

Here’s how to get Pet Beaston on Free Fire.

Pet Beaston free charge event at FF!

Pet Beaston FF Free

If you are interested in keeping this new pet, you should play the next top-up event.

Pet Beaston will win prizes at the Free Fire top-up event earlier this year. This is certainly a very attractive prize.

Want to get Diamond MLBB, FF PUBG UC? Join the game now!

When the spinner replenishes 140 diamonds, Get Beaston, the latest Free Fire pet bonus.

You can immediately top up on the date specified by FF. In other words From January 1, 2021 to January 8, 2021.

This was a very good opportunity, especially with the skills that Beaston himself provided.

Generally, when a player buys a pet in the store, the price of the pet is about 600 diamonds.

Now, this time, just refill with diamonds and you’ll instantly get a free Beaston pet and diamonds for other things!

It takes about a week to get this pet, The Spinners.

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