Here are the Nominations for 1st Team, Most Improve Player, and Rising Star in MPL ID S5

Most Improve Player MPL ID S5

MPL ID Official

Most Improve Player MPL ID S5

GridGames.ID – I can’t believe Mobile Legends Professional League Indonesia Season 5 (MPL ID S5) has ended the Regular Season and is entering the Playoffs soon.

In the second season of the first esports tournament held with a league system, MPL added another Player Award category namely Most Improve Player, Rising Star and 1st team.

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You may already already used to 1st the team which is the 5 best players selected based on the role that might be considered the ideal team with the best players.

But what’s new from this season are Most Improve Player and Rising Star, where Most Improve Player is a player who has previously played in MPL and shows an extraordinary increase in performance.

In addition, there is a Rising star to appreciate new players with brilliant performances from each season.

1 votest team, Most Improved Player and Rising Star will be carried out by the league, with the MPL team and players from each team, league management, and casters.

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Here are the nominations from each category below:

1st team

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Rising Star

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Most Improved Player

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Later, the winners who get this title will get a cash prize.

For the 1st team, you will get Rp. 6 million per player.

As for Most Improved Player and Rising Star, each will get Rp 6 million in cash.

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“With talent growing since the introduction of the MDL, the league’s development and teams becoming increasingly professional in talent search, it was only natural for the League to introduce more categories of player awards. It is hoped that this award will provide encouragement and encouragement for the players to continue to hone their skills to give victory to the team and themselves. In season 5, there are many talented new players and we hope that this talent development will continue to grow until the next season,” said Lucas Mao, League Commissioner.

Now, to find out the updates from the nominations and the results, you can directly watch MPL ID Official Instagram and MPL Indonesia Facebook, OK!


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