How to get epics, specials and free elite skins at the latest Mobile Legends (ML) events

How to get epics, specials and elite skins for free at the latest Mobile Legends (ML) events!

Moonton has announced a new event for the Mobile Legends game. At this event, players will be able to win skin prizes for free.

There are three types of skins available to players participating in this event: epics, specials, and elites.

The event itself is called “Double 11 Mile Creep”. Of course, we already know about this event in Mobile Legends games as it was officially released to the original Mobile Legends server.

Read also: Here’s how to get a free Benedetta Hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

How to play a double 11 mile creep event

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Latest Event ml

Playing at this event is very easy and you only have to reach the highest rank in this double 11 mile creep event.

Your top rank depends on the amount of help you receive from your friends in Mobile Legends.

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Therefore, the key to winning this event is to help each other with other players so that both can reach the highest rank at the end of the event.

Double 11 Mile Creep Event Rewards

Mobile Legends latest event ml

You can then see the prize itself directly in the tab of the event menu called “Double 11 Miles Creep –Redemption”.

By exchanging only the cake coins that can be earned at Rank 1 of the Double 11 Miles Creep Event, you can get free prizes such as Random Poison Skin Team, Esmeralda Lady Thief, and Badminton Clint.

Again, you really need all your Mobile Legends friends to play at this event.

The maximum number of friends you can help with at this event is only once by the end of this event.

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