LoL Worlds 2020 Knockout Round Schedule and Brackets

LoL Worlds 2020 Knockout Round Schedule and Bracket Worlds 2020, a major League of Legends annual tournament, will soon enter the knockout round.

This tournament has become a major tournament held offline in Shanghai, China. Previously, the following eight teams were in the knockout round.

  1. Sunning (Group A)
  2. G2 eSports (Group A)
  3. Damwon Gaming (Group B)
  4. JD Gaming (Group B)
  5. Gen.G Esports (Group C)
  6. Fnatic (Group C)
  7. TOP eSports (Group D)
  8. DRX (Group D)

As soon as it was confirmed that TOP Esports and DRX had qualified for the knockout round, a bracket draw was held by the organizer. There are a few things you need to understand about the drawing mechanism.

The 1st place team will play against the 2nd place team in each group, the 1st place team will draw first, and the 2nd place team will be in order.

Each team cannot play against teams in the same group in the quarterfinals. For example, TOP Esports cannot fight DRX. However, any team can fight in the same area.

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LoL Worlds 2020 Knockout Round Schedule and Brackets

Bracket World 2020 Schedule
Via photo: LoL Esports

Thursday, October 15 – DAMWON Gaming vs. DRX

Friday, October 16 – Suning vs. JDG Gaming

Saturday, October 17 – Top Esports vs. Fnatic

October 18th (Sun) – Gen.G Esports vs. G2 Esports

Who do you think will be the 2020 World Champion? Will the Chinese team be able to win again?

For more updates, don’t forget to visit the SPIN website and follow Instagram and Youtube.

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