Microsoft announces 2020 Digital Civility Index, Indonesian netizens comment

Microsoft announces “2020 Digital Civility Index”, Indonesian netizens comment!

World technology giant Microsoft announces findings 2020 Digital Sability Index (DCI)..

The findings include reports on the level of politeness of netizens or Internet users in cyberspace around the world.

Photo by CIO

In this study, Microsoft found that thousands of adults and adolescents from dozens of countries were exposed to 21 different online risks in four categories: behavior, sexuality, reputation, and personal / disruptive. We gathered the respondents.

Online risks in question include exposure to hoax news, hate speech, fraud, or discrimination experienced by netizens in cyberspace.

The good news is that during the pandemic, about 26% of the world’s respondents said their online politeness improved because the netizens wanted to help each other.

Photo via Microsoft DCI

By the way, this survey was conducted from April to May 2020 and was published in February 2021.

The survey was attended by 16,000 respondents, including young people and adults from 32 countries participating in DCI 2020. Of these, 503 came from Indonesia.

The study uses a scale from 0 to 100, which means that lower scores mean less exposure to online risk, and concludes that the country has a higher level of internet etiquette.

As for Indonesia itself, Microsoft found that Indonesian netizens were less polite than last year.

According to this survey, Indonesian netizens’ politeness has fallen by 8 points over the past year to a score of 76. The DCI score of teens did not actually change, but the decline occurred in the adult group.

According to Microsoft, “Youth DCI scores have not changed, but Indonesian adults have a DCI score of minus 16 points.

Photo via NCTE

Microsoft explained that the biggest risks for Indonesian netizens were hoax and fraud news, which increased by 13%, hate speech increased by 5%, and discrimination decreased by 2%.

The Netherlands is the most polite country in the netizens and is ranked number one in the world. On the other hand, in Asia and Southeast Asia, Singapore ranks first and fourth in the world.

Meanwhile, Indonesia ranked 29th out of 32 countries surveyed by Microsoft, making it the most inflated position in Southeast Asia. Indonesia is slightly ahead of Mexico (DCI 76), Russia (DCI 80) and South Africa (DCI 81) in terms of online politeness in the survey.

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