PT Melon Indonesia Becomes Rocapara Publisher | Spin

PT Melon Indonesia has become a Rocapara publisher! Previously, Lokapala was the latest breakthrough from children in the country. As you know, MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) games have become very popular in Indonesia in recent years. Starting with AOV (Arena of Valor), Vainglory’s most popular is Mobile Legends. Mobile Legends has been rated 4.1 this year and has been proven to be downloaded 100 million times on the Play Store.

Therefore, Lokapala, a game created by the children of the country by Anantarupa Studio, was created to meet the wishes of Indonesian people, especially gamers who like the MOBA genre. Anantarupa Studio is the only successful game developer in Southeast Asia to develop MOBA and eSports games. Children’s games in this country have a very Indonesian theme, starting with character and name selection. Everything is taken from the theme of Wayang, mythology and mythical creatures of Indonesian culture.

After the beta stage, finally a game made by children in this country It was officially launched on May 20, 2020. The game’s grand launch will be broadcast live through the Lokapala MOBA YouTube channel, featured by Ivan Chen, CEO of Anantarupa Studio, Diana Paskarina (COO of Anantarupa Studio), Dedi Suherman (CEO of PT. Melon Indonesia), and Faisal Rochmad Djoemadi (Director). it was done. It was opened by remarks from Jerry Sambuaga, Deputy Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, and Hilman Farid, Director of Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. Click on this video!

The Telcom Group really supports Rokapara

PT Melon Indonesia and Telcom Group strongly support the creation of Rocapara games. PT Melon Indonesia is currently the publisher of the game.The Gamer Package Indihome service will also include Lokapala as a game of value and benefit. Free in-game items and other perks may be offered to attract gamers to use the IndiHome Gamer Package service.

“So we’ve been looking for a gaming business for the past two years. We’re also on this hunting trip. We’ve finally come across a ready game, Lokapala. Why Rocapara? First, the genre is MOBA, “Deddy said.

Read again: Officially released, Lokapala will soon be introducing six tournaments!

Source: Press Release

Dedi said Melon Indonesia already knows which games can be monetized and which can survive.

“And we’re looking at MOBA games, one of the best MOBA games in the world. Since 2017, we’re ranked in the top three in Indonesia on all telcos and all platforms,” says Dedi. It was.

In addition, Dedi sees a tremendous development in esports in Indonesia.

“For these two, Lokapala is a game suitable for the MOBA genre, and the second is the first local game that can be implemented in esports.”

Another reason is that the characters in Rocapara are from the local area. “Because it’s local, it can give you a nuance of nationalism. Then why choose Rocapara? Because we want to be proud of our local developers and generate revenue and monetization.” He explained.

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