Should Lemon become a Hyper Carry RRQ in MPL ID Season 6 after Xin Left?

Should Lemon become a Hyper Carry RRQ in MPL ID Season 6 after Xin Left? Mobile Legends Professional League (MPL) Indonesian defending champion Rex Regum Qeon (RRQ) Hoshi’s current performance is second The week didn’t seem to be satisfying.

They had to experience two consecutive losses in the second week of MPL ID Season 6.

With the loss of Xin, RRQ Hoshi’s offensive power is no longer as it used to be. RRQ Hoshi is a team that makes good attacks rather than start a war.

RRQ Xin MPL ID Season 6
Via photo: YouTube RRQ Xin

Wiz King’s play and Albert’s Hyper Carry aren’t bad either. They have their own advantages, but not as a starting point for war.

Then, does RRQ Lemon, which we know as an “alien”, need to play well with any hero and become a temporary hypercarry RRQ until the fifth week?

Lemon can be a hypercarry, given that he has a good understanding of the experienced mobile legends heroes. So it’s legitimate to expect the Mobile Legends community to change roles like Rekt, where Lemon is back in Hypercarry.

Read also: Why did RRQ Hoshi’s strength drop dramatically after Xin left?

ONIC Esports vs RRQ MPL ID Season 6 Weeks 2 Days 3
Via photo: MPL Indonesia

However, keep in mind that Lemon is not an aggressive player when in the side lane. Lemon has a split push task that provokes enemies to give them all their skills.

If Lemon becomes a Hyper Carry, it may be about the same as With King, but it is more disciplined and has better timing to end the enemy in the middle of the war.

Can Lemon be an alternative hypercarry while Shin is dormant, according to Spinner? Keep visiting our website to get the latest eSports news and follow on Facebook Don’t forget that.

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