Sinatraa's sensitivity, key bindings and crosshair settings in VALORANT!

Sinatraa’s sensitivity, key bindings and crosshair settings in VALORANT!

Prior to turning to VALORANT, Sinatraa had a very successful career in overwatch games.

The Sinatraa and San Francisco Shock teams won the Overwatch League in 2019, but

Not only that, he was also able to win the US team in the 2019 Overwatch World Cup.

He’s also an MVP in both of Overwatch’s biggest tournaments.

To my surprise, Overwatch’s best players have retired and moved to the game VALORANT and Sentinel teams.

VALORANT in the esports scene is still very new, but its development is very fast and more and more teams are creating esports teams. Big competitions are being held more and more.

Within a few days, Sinatraa reached the top of the game’s rankings and demonstrated her skills to viewers on Twitch.

If you would like to purchase, click the image above!

Read also: This is a VALORANT C9 TenZ crosshair setting!

Read also: VALORANT ACEU settings, key bindings, crosshairs!

If you would like to follow the VALORANT settings, please see below.

Mouse settings

Crosshair setting

Video settings

Map settings

Also read: Set up key bindings and crosshairs Nitr0 in Valorant! Try it now!

These are spinners that set the sensitivity, crosshairs and key bindings of Sinatraa, one of Sova’s best players in VALORANT.

Go straight to Gas and try Spinner!

Don’t forget to visit Spin website Follow your account for more information Instagram And Youtube we.

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