SK 1ST releases RRQ of favorite team! | Spin

When talking about the world’s top names that decorate the Mobile Legends scene, there’s one name to keep in mind. The name is SK 1ST, which won the world’s top level of mobile legend in three seasons.

The three seasons are seasons 11, 14, and 15. SK 1ST made a very surprising statement to dominate the global top in three different timeframes. Yes, he used the services of Account Jockey to master the global top territory in three different seasons of SK 1ST.

In the opinion of many, this is certainly a very fraudulent act, but in our opinion, not only SK 1ST, which uses the account jockey service, but other global tops may also use this service. .. Always play Mobile Legends and try not to overtake other players.

Source: Youtube

But behind that, SK 1ST also has a popular Mobile Legends team in Indonesia. This is what he told SPIN directly a while back.

His favorite team is RRQ, the winner of yesterday’s MPL ID Season 5. But SK 1ST isn’t without reason to worship the RRQ team, because RRQ superstars are lemons.

In addition, SK 1ST worships lemons. Because he is a true pro player or a real pro player, his abilities, intellect and morals are the inspiration for SK 1ST and he creates teams like RRQ with players like him. SK 1ST.

Lemon himself is an Indonesian veteran Mobile Legends player and has been on the RRQ team since the founding of the RRQ Mobile Legends division.Don’t forget to visit website Contact us to get the latest news about eSports.

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