Why doesn't Wann play in MPLI's Evos Legends?

Why doesn’t Wann play in MPLI’s Evos Legends?

A few hours ago, there were rumors that Wann, the flagship of Evos Legends’ three consecutive MPL seasons, wouldn’t play in MPL Invitational.

The news was first published by another Evos eSports member of the MDL division, Afrindo (G) Valentino.

He said Wan wouldn’t play MPL Invitational with Evos later, based on the rumors he got.

“I heard rumors that he wanted to take a break first. The performance isn’t optimal yet,” G told Nimo TV live stream.

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evos Legends wann mpli
Photo by ig evos g

Afrindo (G) Valentino also reported that MPL Invitational has two players instead of Wann as the main core of Evos Legends.

“MPLI (Evos Legend) is a core Peko-chan, even if it’s not a lect. But it may be one. Between those three,” G said.

Wang’s own performance in Season 6 was inconsistent, as evidenced by Evos Legends failing in the playoffs on the first day and finishing sixth in the finals.

It seems very reasonable as he has been the core force of Evos Legends in the last three MPL seasons.

Evos Legend lost playoffs
Photo via ig Wann

His playing style can be read by the MPL team, so Wan really needs some time to rest to recover great performance and other new strategies.

But remember again that this is just a rumor and the truth is uncertain.

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