Steam releases Indonesian internet performance, who is the fastest?

Steam Releases Indonesian Internet Data Connection Data, What’s the Fastest Provider? Internet Connection is an important factor when running online games on one of the platforms, for example, Steam, Valve Corporation’s platform.

The Steam platform recently provided information on the average connection speed of Indonesian games at the time of installation. These results were obtained from multiple Internet service providers or Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

There are several well-known Internet service providers such as PT Telkom Indonesia, First Media, MyRepublic, Biznet, PT MNC Kabel Mediacom and Telkomsel.slow

Source: Steam

  1. PT Mora Telematics Indonesia – 40.1 Mbps
  2. MyRepublic ID – 35.9 Mbps
  3. Biznet Network – 28.4 Mbps
  4. PT Cyber ​​indo Aditama (CBN) – 23.7 Mbps
  5. FirstMedia – 16 Mbps
  6. PT Cemerlang Multimedia – 13.8 Mbps
  7. PT MNC Kabel Mediacom – 12.2 Mbps
  8. MNC Play Media – 11.9 Mbps
  9. PT. Telkom Indonesia (Indihome) – 7.1 Mbps
  10. Telcom Cell – 6.7 Mbps

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With Indihome and Telkomsel, PT Telkom Indonesia is the bottom two in Indonesia’s internet connectivity issues. Both are red plates known as the Indonesian government, but unfortunately the private sector provides a better internet connection.

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Source: Steam

Looking at the data above, which ISP does the spinner use? Is it true that the internet when using Steam in Indonesia is as fast as the data released by Steam? The latest eSports Don’t forget to keep visiting our website to get the news and follow us on Facebook!

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