Take notes! PUBG SEA Championship 2021 Schedule in Bangkok, Thailand

Day 1 PUBG SEA Championship

Doc. PUBG Official

Day 1 PUBG SEA Championship

GridGames.ID – PUBG PC Steam.id held the most prestigious PUBG tournament event in Southeast Asia which was attended by 16 of the best teams in Southeast Asia.

Playerunknow`s Battleground is the number 1 fps battle royale game in the world, their goal of playing PUBG is just to be the last person to get Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

The PUBG tournament was held at the Thailand eSport Arena, Bangkok, Thailand.

Also Read: Auto-Watch! PUBG PC SEA Championship Season 2 Southeast Asia

Today coincides with the implementation of PUBG SEA Championship Season 2.

The following is the schedule for the PUBG SEA Championship 2021.

Day 1- 29 June 2021

13.00 : Opening Ceremony

14.00 : Sea Championship Game 1 [Miramar FPP]

15.05 : Sea Championship Game 2 [Erangel FPP]

16.10 : Sea Championship Game 3 [Miramar FPP]

17.00 : Break Time/ Lucky Draw

17.50 : Sea Championship Game 4 [Erangel FPP]

18.55 : Sea Championship Game 5 [Miramar FPP]

20.00 : Sea Championship Game 6 [Erangel FPP]

Day 1 PUBG SEA Championship

Doc. PUBG Official

Day 1 PUBG SEA Championship

Day 2- 30 June 2021

13.00 : Day 2 Opening

13.20 : Sea Championship Game 7 [Miramar FPP]

14.25 : Sea Championship Game 8 [Erangel FPP]

15.30 : Sea Championship Game 9 [Miramar FPP]

16.35 : Break Time/ Lucky Draw

17.35 : Sea Championship Game 10 [Erangel FPP]

18.15 : Sea Championship Game 11 [Miramar FPP]

19.20 : Sea Championship Game 12 [Erangel FPP]

20.20 : Awarding Ceremony

Day 2 PUBG SEA Championship

Doc. PUBG Official

Day 2 PUBG SEA Championship

You can follow the results of the PUBG SEA Championship Season 2 standings here.

They will compete for a total prize pool of $100,000 USD.

Which team will be the last team standing?

Don’t miss PUBG SEA Championship Season 2.


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