Garena Indonesia
Free Fire update for June
GridGames.ID – Free Fire, a battle royale game made by Garena whose popularity is increasing in Indonesia, announced the latest patch update in June.
There is a new character named Rafael, as well as a new weapon called the Gattling Gun which will be available on June 26, 2021.
Not only characters and weapons, Free Fire also brings new features to provide a more exciting gaming experience.
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Immediately, here is the latest update from the Free Fire game.
1. New Character: Rafael
Free Fire has yet again arrived a new character who is a mysterious assassin who has the ability to eliminate great tracks named Rafael.
You can benefit from Active Skills where the shot will not be visible on the map for a few seconds, but the gunshot will still be heard when using this character.
This skill will continue to increase so that the higher your playing level, the longer the hidden duration of the shot on the map will be.
2. New Weapon
Gattling Gun is a new weapon that comes to Garena Free Fire and will be available through Special Mode.
This heavy machine gun can fire up to 1,200 rounds quickly. Cool!
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3. New Features: Toxic Zone, Auto Pick Up, Free Fire Manual
To add to the fun of playing, Free Fire has three new features, the first one is Toxic Zone in Casual Mode Map Bermuda.
Unlike the Red Zone which will damage you randomly, the Toxic Zone will force you to avoid the zone because the Toxic Zone has the potential to damage armor and reduce the HP of Survivors.
The second feature is there Auto Pick Up, where you can choose what items you want to pick up while playing.
This feature is very useful for saving bag space from items you don’t need and can make the bag full.
The third one is Free Fire Manual which is found on the Lobby Page where you can see in full your journey on Free Fire.
In addition there are rewards that will be obtained when you try different weapons, interact with various new objects, and when you level up.
4. Features and Item Balance
In addition to the three points above, in this new update there are also damage changes to several weapons such as balancing the damage of Sniper Rifles to match Assault Rifles.
Among them are increasing damage by 50% to snipers (AWM) and reducing fire speed by 10% to ensure there is a pause for Survivors to react.
In addition, the addition of 3% damage to AN94 weapons and a 100% recoil reduction makes the AN94 weapon more stable when used.
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You will also get a reward login that can be obtained on June 26, 2021 at 18:00 WIB until June 30, 2021 at 23:59 WIB, namely 1x gold vouchers on the first day of login.
Then if you log in on the second day, then you are entitled to an additional ingame item prize in the form of 1x Star Soul Weapon Loot Crate (3rd best selling common gun skin) and 1x Diamond Royale Voucher if logged in on the third day.
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