Unlimited Genshin Impact Redeem Code, valid in February 2021!

Watch all players of Genshin Impact Primogems As one of the most valuable resources for both free and paid players. With 5 star characters and weapons, the excitement of playing Genshin Impact will skyrocket!

But every player also knows that much is needed to get a 5-star character or weapon. Intertwined fate Or The fate of an acquaintance (Gacha Token of Genshin Impact), converted from Primo Gem. Especially you who are trying to make Xiao’s gacha banner!

Read also: Genshin Impact 1.3 Photo event description and how to play, more free primogems!

Redeem code Is one of the ways to get a lot of primogems at Genshin Impact. In addition to primogems, you can also win other prizes such as mora, EXP books, ore upgrades.

Unfortunately, most Genshin Impact redemption codes are limited and will soon disappear if too many people have exchanged or passed the specified time limit.But the good news is that there are some Genshin Impact redemption codes Unlimited It can be replaced even in February 2021.

Redeem the still valid code Genshin Impact

straight away Currency exchange These codes are currently unlimited! One day, Genshin Impact developers could revoke the following redemption code and make it unusable.

  • GSIMPTq125
  • Cuupmbjsvd
  • 153 Yusaen

When you get error, Means that you have exchanged these codes before.

Also read: Is it true that the Genshin Impact 1.3 secret banner will be Hu Tao? That’s the explanation!

If you are interested in purchasing, please click the image above!

Redemption Code Genshin Impact Billing Method

  1. Please visit the official Genshin Impact website below.
  2. Please log in to your Genshin Impact account before visiting the official website or before visiting the official website.
  3. [引き換え]At the top right of the column[ログインして引き換える]Click the button
  4. Then select the server
  5. Please enter the nickname of the spinner character Nickname
  6. Enter the redemption code to be billed according to the server
  7. Then click Redeem
  8. If successful, you can immediately open the Genshin Impact application and see the prizes here Mail

Genshin Impact Redemption Code

For those who are still confused about how to do it, you can watch the video below on how to redeem the code:

This is a Genshin Impact unlimited redemption code that remains valid as of February 2021.

Also read: Tierist Genshin Impact 1.3 February 2021, Where is Xiao?

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Cool, this is a demo of Xiao Genshin Impact Character!

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