Valorant Patch 1.09, Jett & Operators of Big Nerf! Here's what you need to know:

Valorant Patch 1.09, Jett & Operators of Big Nerf! Here’s what you need to know:

Future updates will introduce many changes that can make a big difference to the current meta.

Riot has released a complete patch note detailing all the changes made. The jet was already indirectly attacked because the operator was given a heavy nerf.

However, Riot decided to undermine the duelist with Reina.

Jett’s Blade Storm skill has been weakened, probably because he could play at a higher rank.

Players can easily shoot enemies and take advantage of jet mobility to reposition their next target.

Patch 1.09 will also be reduced Headshot from 3 to 2 When using burst fire (right mouse click).And Burst fire Will have now Damage attenuation start date 12 meters Continue to fall to 35 damage..

There is also a delay while using right mouse click shots. 0.33 seconds to 0.45 seconds..

Combining this change with a large nerf to the operator, Jet may have a hard time keeping his head on the water.

Operator price rises 5,000 Credo It then gets the rate of fire, limited movement speed, dead zone accuracy, and instant geartime nerf nerfs.

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Most of Jett’s players use operators, so both plays may decline in the future.

For Agent Reina, the firing rate during Ultimate has been reduced from 25% to 15%. Duelists are known to have too many OPs when playing at low ranks. This gives your opponent a chance in a one-on-one shootout.

The following are updates from Valorant Patch 1.09 that you should be aware of.



  • fuel Viper now starts at 100 (previously 50)
  • Snake byte After removing the acid from the viper, the effect lasts for 2 seconds
  • For the ultimate skill Mamushi, Accelerated movement 2 times While lowering the weapon mount after casting 0.4 seconds


  • Updated visual effects with less stable skills paranoia When the enemy hits


  • Bonus Rate of fire Increased from 10% to 15%


  • Play time Burst fire Sequence increased from 0.33 seconds to 0.45 seconds
  • Burst fire Have got Damage attenuation start date 12 meters Continues to fall 35 damage
  • cut back Headshot from 3 to 2 When using burst fire (right mouse click)


  • Bonus Rate of fire Reduced from 25% to 15%

Weapons / Weapons:


  • Price increased from 4500 to 5000
  • Scope reduced from 76% to 72%
  • Weapon dead zone adjusted from inaccurate to 15% with 30% movement speed.
  • Rate of fire reduced from 0.75 to 0.6
  • Adjusted instant gear time from 0.3 to 0.5 (orb tap, bomb taming / crop knock, jet cloud burst, instant gear play after phoenix curve ball)
  • Footshot damage reduced from 127 to 120

Also read: When will VALORANT Act 2 end? Hurry up and complete the Battle Pass!

Other updates:

  • With this update, you’ll need to reduce your chances of lining up in a match match by an hour.
  • If not polite, players will be forced to rename

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