VALORANT Patch Update 1.07: Sage and Killjoy are now available in Nerflots!

VALORANT Patch Update 1.07: Sage and Killjoy at Nerf Go All Out!

Today, September 2, 2020, Valorant released the latest 1.07 patch! This patch shows some skill tweaks given to Valorant agents. Sage, Killjoy, Viper, and Breach are the four agents who received the update.

Sage and Killjoy, defense agents that many Valorant players consider a little too strong, weaken their skills (decrease stats)

Meanwhile, two of Valorant’s least popular agents, Viper and Breach, received some buffs to make them more attractive (statistics increase).

In addition, Riot Games also offers several updates for shotgun weapons and battle modes.

Agent Valorant Update

Valorant patch 1.07


Healing orb

  • Recovery reduced from 100 in 5 seconds >> 60 in 5 seconds
  • Self-healing reduced from 100 in 5 seconds >> 60 in 10 seconds

This will prevent players from recovering to full life if their HP is less than 40.

Slow orb (slow ball)

  • Slow orb size reduced by 30%

Meanwhile, Riot Games felt that the slow orb thrown by Sage was too big and decided to reduce it.

Barrier orb (ice wall)

  • Price cut from 400 → 300
  • Make a wall with HP400. After a delay of 3 seconds, the wall was amplified to 800 HP.


So far, many players have complained that it’s particularly difficult to compete with Nanoswarm’s joy skills. That’s why Riot Games decided to make a small tweak to the Killjoy skill.

If you would like to purchase, click the image above!

Nano swarm

  • Added a quick preparation before the damage started.
  • DPS reduced from 60 to 40.
  • Visual effects have been added to make the grenades on the ground easier to see.
  • The audio range of nanoswarm has been slightly increased.


  • Not revealed by Recon Bolt Sova
  • Fires more effectively at the last known location of the enemy.


flash point

  • Off-screen flash now matches the behavior of other in-game flashes and applies the minimum flash count more aggressively.
  • Increase from 2 to 3.
  • Preparation time reduced from 0.6 seconds to 0.5 seconds.

Rolling Thunder

  • Explosion delay between explosions has been reduced from 0.3 to 0.255.


  • Concuss prevents players affected by this skill from stopping and refocusing.


Toxic screen

  • These skills can now be placed during the purchase phase of a round.


  • All smoke skill decay no longer affects teammates

Vipers pit

  • The Viper’s Pit area is now visible on his team’s minimap when active.

Also read: Does Valorant provide skins to agents? This is the fact!

Weapon updates

Valorant patch 1.07

All shotguns

  • If a shotgun headshot hits, it will be less effective than all other weapons.
  • Tagging is also adjusted for targets larger than 10 meters.
  • New tagging system: Smooth curves slow down by 30% for 0.5 seconds at normal speed.

Shorty (nerf)

  • Reduced initial fall range from 9 meters to >> 7 meters
  • Headshot doubling has been updated from 3x to 2x (now the same as Judges and Bucky).

Judge (nerf)

  • Price increase from 1,500 → 1,600

Destroyer (buff)

  • Increase the firing rate from 9.25 to 9.75.
  • Damage increased from 39 to 40.

Read also: This is the chat system and the way to chat everything in Valorant!

Battle mode update

  • Find Match: When a match starts 4 to 5 (or a less balanced team), players can now exit the participating game and search for a new game.
  • If you have a player disconnected throughout the first half at the beginning of the match (at the beginning of the buying phase), you can trigger a remake call at the beginning of the second round by typing: / Remake In chat

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