watch out! Aura Esports has two intense terminators for PMPL Season 3!

Aura Esports deserves to be considered one of the winning candidates in later PMPL ID Season 3. Aside from experience, Aura is also one of the best rosters of the 20 participants this time around.

Please try to imagine. Aura has been quite busy in the transfer market for the past few weeks. They released some players, leaving only Rossegee and Jayden.

Since then, the aura has moved aggressively in the transfer market. They brought in two former morph team players. Jeixy And Ruthless..

These two names strengthen the aura, especially Jesse This acts as a new IGL. Not only that, presence Ruthless It also makes the aura even more deadly in the match.

Only Jayden endangered Aura. Now there is No Mercy that doubles the risk. These two players are known as terminators who are good at killing in tournaments. How tough is the aura?

Please also read: official! PMPL ID Season 3 Starting March 24, 2021 with 20 teams participating

Cold Jayden

Jayden's Aura
Source: FB Jayden
  • Total number of kills in PMPL: 239
  • PMPL ID S2 Regular: 105 kills
  • PMPL ID S2 Final: 23 kills

The quality of Jayden as a terminator cannot be underestimated. Jayden usually beats short-range duels because he is a brave type of player and highly reflexive.

Jayden has also played as an IGL, so his ability to read and apply strategies can no longer be underestimated.

This season, Jayden has more freedom to move because the IGL role is already held by Jeixy.

Please also read: Candidates for PMPL ID S3 Champions Evos and Aura? Don’t forget Aerowolf and BTR!

There is no mercy

Aura No Mercy
Source: IG PUBG Mobile Esports Indonesia
  • Total number of kills in PMPL: 221
  • PMPL ID S2 Regular: 62
  • PMPL ID S2 Final: 29

Also read: Captain Aerowolf Limax, Hzlnuts, PMPL I want to prove something in Season 3!

In the PMPL ID S2 final, there was no mercy to win the status of the player with the most kills.This is enough to prove the quality

The departure of No Mercy even deeply regrets the Morph team. This means that No Mercy’s kill score is also very important to the team’s victory.

This time in Season 3, Mercy needs to share the victim with Jayden. If their chemistry goes well, their kill score should increase dramatically.

What do you think of The Spinners? Aura Esports, which will be newly released in this PMPL Season 3, is likely to become a dangerous team!

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