Will MPL Indonesia implement new rules like MPLMY / SG?

Will MPL Indonesia implement new rules like MPLMY / SG? We’ve known for some time that the MPL ID Season 6 event on August 14, 2020 will be coming soon. There haven’t been many changes in this MPL season, including eight teams, prizes and rules. It’s almost the same.

It was previously rumored that more team slots would be added to this season’s MPL, but in reality there are no slots at all. Many fans are disappointed with this decision, but given that MPL Indonesia itself implements a franchise league system, it can no longer help.

Did you know that MPL is divided into several regions, each with its own rules?

Read again: MPL MY / SG implements new tire rules!

The new rule makes the choice of heroes even more diverse by increasing the number of banned heroes from 3 to 5. But what if MPL Indonesia implements this rule system? Yes, it’s true that the competition is much more exciting given the number of five banned heroes and the fact that some players often play the same hero.

However, there is no news yet that MPL Indonesia will implement this regulatory system as well. So what do you think? Do you agree that this rule applies to MPL Indonesia! Don’t forget to keep visiting our website to get the latest eSports news and follow us on Facebook!

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