Here are five Wanwan Mobile Legends Bang Bang (MLBB) hero counters. These hero counters are agile heroes with purification skills, but when you meet these heroes you will automatically die easily!
Wan Wan is a mobile legends marksman (MM) hero and was recently selected in the Gold Side Lane to compete with tank and fighter heroes who prefer to make progress in the bar. Heroes such as Hylos, Hilda, Thamuz, Esmeralda and Yu Zhong are the main hit targets for Wanwan’s ultimate unlocking.
Many are confused about this hero. Because the more chased this hero is, the easier it will be for Wanwan to jump back and forth to slow down his enemies and open up his weaknesses to entertain them.
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In that regard, SPIN Esports offers five Wan Wan MLBB counterheroes. This makes it very easy to kill.
1. Farsa
Wan Wan is one of the softest MM heroes. However, it is difficult to defeat many heroes because they are agile heroes with natural purification ability. But with Farsa’s Ultimate, he can target Wan Wan from a very long distance. Wan Wan dies in 2-4 hits from Ultimate!
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2. Hayabusa
Wan Wan can play with fighters and tanks. Because they usually hit easily when chasing one-on-one. But not against the assassins who could easily get close to Wanwan. One of the most effective heroes to chase after one is the falcon.
Skill 2 Hayabusa gets closer to the doggie and can use skill 1 and the ultimate combo. Wanwan, whose purification is useless at this time, will die in one combo. If you keep doing this, the enemy’s dog will automatically turn brown.
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3. Granger
Wan Wan is very vulnerable to long range burst damage, so Granger is one of the MM heroes who can perform skill combos with painful damage from long range. She had already died from a combo of Skill 2, Auto Attack, Skill 1, and Granger’s Ultimate before Wan Wan auto-attacked Granger.
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4. Natalia
Natalia is the number one scoop king for soft MM. Wanwan who hit silently with the combo of Skill 1 and Ultimate Wanwan will die in an instant. When Wanwan uses skill 2 to mute and escape, Natalia only needs another ulti to initiate the second silence. So when Natalia is around, Wanwan can’t move yet and will automatically turn brown.
After that, Natalia uses the 2 smoke skill to get the immune effect of physical damage. Therefore, when Wanwan is using Ultimate, she can use Skill 2 and Ultimate Combo to avoid the damage caused by Wanwan’s Tang Crossbow.
If you want to understand how to use Natalia’s skill combo to get 4x silence, watch the following video.
5. Change

Like Farsa, Chang’e is a mage with long-range skills that can quickly destroy Wanwan. When Wan Wan is trying to open a weakness point from a team’s tanks or fighters, Chan-e needs to use Ultimate to quickly destroy Wan Wan.
6. Fobeus

Every time Wan Wan makes a basic attack, he jumps and jumps quickly. This turned out to be Wanwan’s nightmare to deal with Phoveus, as Wanwan’s jumps count as a dash skill, which can trigger Phoveus’s ultimate.
Wanwan jumps continuously, so the ultimate fist jump from Fobeus can continuously target Wanwan. Wanwan is also a very soft hero, so Fobeus Ultimate can only kill 3-4 people.
7. Carina
When Wan Wan is in the ultimate Tang crossbow mode, this can be easily avoided by Carina’s first skill, and the immune effect can be obtained from physical damage for 3 seconds. Ultimate Wanwan also takes about 3 seconds, so you can almost block the ultimate damage of Wanwan.
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There are 5 hero counters that are very effective in keeping enemy Wanwan from moving against your team. So don’t be afraid if the enemy suddenly tries to pick you up.
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