Black Desert Mobile Introduces Some New And Exciting Features

Black Desert Mobile

GridGames/ Teguh Wicaksana

Black Desert Mobile

GridGames.ID – The Black Desert Mobile game just got an update and is one of the biggest.

This time the game adds a new boss mode and map to explore and test your mettle.

PvP ranking system for more competitive games is also presented in this update.

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Boss Rush mode is the most challenging boss mode in the Black Desert Mobile game.

Bringing these giants down will allow you to loot more and master your strategy.

But make sure that you are prepared before setting out to face it.

One of the characters in the game Black Desert Online.

One of the characters in the game Black Desert Online.

Adding to the challenge is the fact in this event that it now has a different attack pattern and phase from the previous version.

This makes it possible, that the most powerful players will also have a hard time against them.

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The arena’s PvP mode has received a ranking system, giving you the opportunity to compete to be the best of the bunch.

You will start earning rankings after completing the first 10 matches.

This will help the game to match you up with players who have demonstrated the same skill level in the arena.

This system will always be refreshed every season, and assuming you guys do well.

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You will also get some special bonuses at the end of each season for those who always participate in the feature.

Black Desert Battle Royale


Black Desert Battle Royale

Another big addition is the Terrmian Village map which can be accessed for two weeks starting from April 7, 2021.

Those who venture to Terrmian Village will find a series of quests to earn rewards in the mission.

There will be several mini-games to try, including making shaved ice, catching fish, and searching for buried treasure.

You can see other update notes on the game’s official website, right!


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