Everything about LoL Wild Lift is here, starting with the game apk size, gameplay and more

LoL Wild Rift is one of the most awaited Moba games to release at the moment, but you can find information about this game here before it’s released. This information starts with the size of the LoL Wild Rift game apk, gameplay, game screenshots, main display and more.

Previously, the presence of LoL: Wild Rift was awaited by gamers around the world, including Indonesia itself, who was very eager to release the game. The game itself is expected to be released in 2020, and the news is that the LoL Wildlift will be released at the end of 2020, but the month and date are still undecided.

However, Riot Games is currently distributing beta tests only to certain countries so that you can try the game first. Of course, the player trying to play this game provides information to the broad community about how he responded to playing LoL Mobile. Some screenshots are also shared and can be found below.

Read also: Recommended HP for playing LoL Wild Rift!

Play tutorial view

Multiple League of Legends heroes also apply in this game. These heroes are likely to have very similar skills. This was confirmed by Riot Games itself as the developer of the LoL: Wild Rift game on his birthday 2019.

LoL mobile main view

On the other hand, the number of champions / heroes in this LoL Mobile game is about 40/50, each reportedly having different skills and roles.

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Read also: Proof of LoL Wild Lift gameplay is different from LoL PC!

Login screen



LoL Wild Lift Game APK Size

That was important information you should know before playing LoL Wild Rift. Spinners, can’t wait for the release of LoL Mobile? Don’t forget to keep visiting our website to get the latest eSports news and follow us on Facebook.

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