Hero Counter Barats Mobile Legends from Every New Role 2020

This is a list of Barats Mobile Legends hero counters from each of the latest roles in the 2020 version of SPINE sports.

Mobile Legends has announced a new hero called Barats, which has extraordinary abilities for this hero.

But no matter how strong a hero, Mobile Legends must have a natural counter hero that already exists.

Following this, SPIN Esports provides the latest Barats Mobile Legends 2020 counterhero recommendations from each role.

Read also: That’s why you should buy Hero Barats Mobile Legends!

Hero Counter West Mobile Legends

Roll fighter

Fighter heroes with strong early games such as Khaleed, Dyrotth and Guinevere are good candidates for Barat counting.

Roll mage

Next, you need to use a hero with a fairly wide range of attack, such as Roll Mage, Change, Gourd, Pasha, and Cecilion.

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Role marksman

In addition, marksman heroes need to use heroes that can move quickly and attack, such as Irisel, Kimmy, and Wanwan.

Other marksman heroes are also possible if they are in a wise position when fighting Baratsu.

Role tank

Second, from role tanks, namely Akai, Franco, Ruby, and Baxia, they are very suitable for barat counters.

Role support

On the other hand, the most appropriate hero support roles are Nana, Kaja, and Diggy.

Read also: Build Barats Mobile Legends as the latest thick tank 2020!

Hero Counter Barat Mobile Legends

The role of the assassin

The last role of an assassin who can use all heroes to counter Barat only if he is in the correct position in battle and gains gold and experience from this hero.

Afterword From SPIN Esports not used Cloud control hero Barats own, so to fight Barats Passive skills This can reduce the crowd control effect when the stack is large.

except A crowd suppression effect with continuous damage such as Guinevere, Akai, and Lapu Lapu.

Besides, if you notice what these barats are I really need a minion or jungle While fighting to protect his stack.

This is the same way you play Aldous, so you can hold down Barats and not clear the minions in the same lane to avoid getting the stack, as you would when fighting Aldous in one lane.

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