Is Revicii the secret weapon of Evos Legends in the MPL Season 6 Playoffs?

Is Levisy the secret weapon of Evos Legends in the MPL Season 6 playoffs mentioned by Lect?

Do you still remember Rekt’s text that once said there was something from Evos Legends in the MPLID Season 6 payoff?

The sentence mentioned in one of the videos on the Evos TV youtube channel some time ago has not yet been answered.

Many fans are still wondering what Rekt means, but are there any changes to the roster, new strategies, roles, etc.?

In that regard, we came across a mystery that might have something to do with something Evos Legends had in the playoffs.

Read again: Let’s take a brief look at the MPL Season 6 Playoffs system and when it started.

The puzzle we talked about above is how Revicii will play in the upcoming MPL ID Season 6 playoffs.

evosmpl season 6 revici

This was taken from Rekt’s instastory and others who wished Revicii a happy birthday and a good playoffs.

Revicii can be explained by Evos playing in the playoffs later, given his excellent ability to play marksman heroes.

And it fits perfectly into the game meta currently being developed in Mobile Legends.

But Please wait a little. If Evos later played against Revicii, this would be a big bet.

Also, playing Revicii right now is too risky, as you don’t have time to start new strategies in the playoffs.

So is Revicii the secret weapon of Evos Legends in the MPL ID Season 6 Playoffs? I’m waiting for you!

Read also: Latest Hero Counter Roger Mobile Legends (ML) 2020

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